Not every problem has the same solution. On this page we have written our letter of specialties with which we solve your problems. At Ara Advocats we want to be the lawyers that you will understand. We have experience in all branches of law and acting as business legal advice, providing solutions to all legal problems, doubts and queries that may arise quickly, economically and efficiently.

Private Law deals with and regulates the legal-private relationships of people. This is why it includes a multitude of aspects that are generally quite everyday, such as contracts through acts that have legal significance.

Having the support of professional lawyers can be essential and have a double objective: to overcome problems that may arise after the signing of any agreement and avoid them, and protect your own interests and propose the best solution to conflicts once they have occurred.

  • We carry out liens, claims for amounts, damages, demands for the interpretation and execution of all types of contracts, horizontal property, urban property leases, defense of property rights, real and possession rights, successions and inheritances, real guarantees and personal.
  • We formulate all kinds of procedural incidents and peremptory and delaying exceptions (prescription, lack of active or passive legitimacy, incompetence of jurisdiction, incident of criminal prejudice, consortium litigation, lis pendens, etc.).
  • We advise on all types of pre-contentious and contentious, tax and fiscal procedures, in Andorra.
  • We provide careful monitoring in all kinds of management, collection, sanctioning and tax inspection procedures.
  • We provide advice to all types of processes, allegations, claims, appeals or litigation, before the tax administration and all Andorran judicial instances, as well as before the European Court.

Ending a romantic relationship, with or without marriage, does not have to be a drama, much less an open war. A smart divorce avoids such a fight of two and does not destroy a family. A good divorce rearranges it and allows each member to be followed separately. If there are children, all the more reason.

We offer a great exhaustive advice on the matter, without ever forgetting the need to maintain a good close treatment and a great seamless support to our clients, given the personal and affective importance due to the great importance and responsibility on a personal level that these types entail of deals where we always try to find the solution that most benefits our client.

Our legal representation includes:

  • Lawsuits for separation
  • De facto unions
  • Divorce
  • Modification of previous measures

We cover different fields within this specialty, with special attention to the following:

  • Drafting of regulatory agreements in separation and divorce by mutual agreement where it will always be tried to reach a solution that benefits both parties because the agreement is mutual.
  • Contentious separations and divorces (not amicable) where the client is supported to the maximum and the maximum benefit is obtained so that his divorce is not a complication for his social and economic life.
  • Separations and divorces, by mutual agreement or contentious.
  • Dissolutions of the couple, by mutual agreement or contentious.
  • Drafting and modification of Regulatory Agreements and Parenting Plan.
  • Changes in custody and parental responsibility, stay regime, child support pensions, compensatory benefits or financial compensation, use and enjoyment of the marital home, etc.
  • Claim for non-payment of pensions.
  • Liquidation of matrimonial property regime.
  • Conflicts of Parental Authority

We are specialized in the integration of people in different jobs, offering them the best opportunities they can get, such as good social security and a good union, which serves to protect their rights and freedoms as workers.
In the event that the company does not cooperate with our client, we will use all available judicial resources that we have at our disposal so that the client receives fair treatment in the company or also to be able to demand some abuses that may be caused in it with the workers. We perform:

  • Labor hiring
  • Social Security
  • Labor litigation
    • We intervene in extrajudicial procedures in labor matters and we defend the interests of our clients to achieve transactional agreements. Within the framework of the labor procedure in force in Andorra, we assess and accompany the employer in the decision regarding the viability and / or convenience of solving conflicts in the conciliation process, after answering the claim.
    • We advise our clients in any administrative dispute with the labor inspection, social security and immigration services.

Commercial law is one that refers to the general part of the legal traffic of companies, and is also in charge of regulating how relations between companies must be.

It is one of the most transversal specialties that an action in the commercial field can reach any specialty from labor law, through criminal law and even reach a specialty of private international law.

It is a subject that requires a broad vision of law to meet the needs of clients.

They are carried out:

  • Commercial contracting
  • Company law
  • Competition and consumer law

Real estate law is one of the most important legal areas of our legal system, since it deals with matters of special notoriety and sensitivity such as the sale of real estate, rental contracts or leases of urban properties, as well as any type of operations that has to do with the real estate system, including legal disputes that may arise from it.

From a legal point of view, it can be defined as that field of civil law that regulates everything related to real estate activity and the rights and obligations of owners and tenants. They are carried out:

  • Sale of goods and companies
  • Leases
    Construction and promotion
  • Procedures and litigation in real estate matters

We have experience in urban planning in Andorra, and in particular in matters related to the General Law on land planning and urban planning of December 29, 2000, subsequent modifications, and the implementing regulations that develop it.

  • We intervene in defense of our clients whose properties are affected by a special plan promoted by the administration.
  • We manage for the benefit of our clients the guarantee of urban use, in order to guarantee a building quota that is not susceptible to being modified by subsequent revisions of the parish plans.
  • We advise and draft on behalf of our clients, all kinds of urban administrative resources, such as replacement resources before the parochial authorities, and appeals before the Technical Urban Planning Commission (CTU).
  • Accompaniment of our clients in all phases of the administrative procedure before the Andorran administrative courts (allegations, proposition of evidence, conclusions, appeal), in urban matters.

Since the beginning of this year 2016, a new legislation has been in force in Andorra that regulates the succession of our assets, rights and obligations at the time of our death.

One of the new elements of the norm, with respect to the Andorran legal tradition to date, is the equalization of the spouses united in marriage, civil or canonical, to those who are in a civil union with the partner or in a stable couple union in fact, equating the three legal forms currently in force in Andorra to prove the coexistence of two people in a conjugal union or marriage.

  • We assist and advise legally in the drafting of last wills, as well as in operations of partition of the inheritance and defense and action in legal proceedings in succession matters (wills, intestates, inheritances, etc.).
  • Declaration of disabilities
  • Preventive powers

It is the set of legal norms of public and private law that regulate the activity of natural and legal persons in relation to the organization and practice of sports activity, as well as the subjects that are linked to it, structure and organization.

The rules and principles of sports law modify the institutions of contract law, labor law, or matters related to insurance, civil liability, protection of personal rights or intellectual property, among others.

Our extensive knowledge in tax matters allows us to intervene in all areas of taxation: corporate, international, real estate, indirect taxation, etc. We accompany our clients who wish to opt for residence in the Principality of Andorra. We intervene in matters of tax and tax litigation, and we advise our clients in all tax litigation against general or parochial (local) administrations.

We offer advice on the change of tax residence, particularly to those clients who wish to settle in Andorra and achieve an improvement in their taxation, taking into account their tax situation in the country of previous residence. We collaborate with tax attorneys from other jurisdictions in order to inform clients of the tax effects of their change of residence both in Andorra and in their country of origin.

  • Processing of residence permits
  • Processing of residence without lucrative activity
  • Residences for professionals with international, cultural and sports projection
  • Comprehensive support to our clients in all administrative and legal issues related to the change of residence
  • Real estate operations
  • Constitution of real rights