Residing in Andorra is synonymous with living in a fantastic natural environment, in the heart of the Pyrenees. But it is also security and a high level of quality of life. Because Andorra has one of the best health systems in the world, a mostly free and multi-language educational system, and a complete range of services and leisure for all tastes. And all within 3 hours by car from cities like Barcelona or Toulouse.
On the one hand, active residences (for workers or investors). On the other hand, passive residences (also known as tax residence), in any of its forms: non-profit residences, international professionals or residences of scientific, sports or cultural interest). We also manage temporary residence permits for companies that carry out seasonal work in Andorra (works, facilities, training practices, training stays, etc ...).
Active residences
Active Residence that authorizes residency in Andorra and carry out an activity as a self-employed person or entrepreneur. To be able to request it, is required:
- That the interested person establishes his residence in Andorra permanently. Have a foreign investment authorization to create a company in the country (in which you must have a stake greater than 20%).
- Hold a position on the board of directors of the same company mentioned above.
As merely economic requirements, it is essential:
- Make a deposit of € 15,000 in the Andorran Finance Authority (AFA). This amount is returned in full at the time the person decides to stop residing in the country (as long as there are no outstanding debts).
Passive residences (or tax residences)
Passive residences or tax residences are those that contemplate one of the following assumptions:
- Non-profit residence
- Residence for professionals with international projection
- Residence for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports interest
- Residence due to admission to private geriatric centers or private medical or therapeutic treatment centers.
In these cases, a formal commitment will be requested according to which effective residence in Andorra will be established for a period of at least 90 days per calendar year.
The economic requirements demand:
- The justification by the holder of an annual income that exceeds the current minimum annual salary by 300%. The 100% of this indicator must be added for each of the people in charge.
- The investment of a minimum of € 400,000 in Andorra. The investment can be in real estate, in companies in the country, debt or financial instruments issued by local entities or other types of assets in Andorran territory.
- The constitution of a deposit of € 50,000 in the Andorran Finance Authority (AFA) that must be increased by € 10,000 for each person in charge. The final amount of this deposit is contemplated within the € 400,000 minimum investment required in the country.